Saturday, July 14, 2012

Bic Soleil Savvy Review

Bic's new Soliel Savvy is a revolution in shaving.  I have really enjoyed using the smooth handle with comfortable no slip grip to shave.  The multiple blade design gets a smooth shave, letting me go longer between shaves!  I have no razor burn or shaving issues since changing over.  It is a breeze to replace the shave heads when it starts to dull.

Try the Bic Soleil Savvy for your next razor purchase!

I am a BzzAgent.  I receive free samples in order to share my experiences with you!  

Natural Leaves Wall Art You Can Do!

I love using nature as an inspiration for my home décor. The simple lines and beautiful shapes found in natural items can create a compelling beauty to a room. At a restaurant one day, I saw a set of breathtaking paintings of the silhouettes of leaves against a muted background. It had such elegant lines and graceful beauty. Walking in my yard the next day, I saw beautiful leaves cascading down and thought how beautiful they would be on canvas. A few simple supplies later, I had my own natural wonder to hang in the living room.
Find This Project On Yahoo!Voices:

Sunday, June 24, 2012

The Secret to Successful Job Hunting

I have learned the secret to successful job hunting is networking.  After more than six months of unemployment, I landed a job because of business contacts.  Learn how to use your contacts successfully by reading this Yahoo!Finance article.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Things to Donate to an Elementary School

Budgets are tight in school. Elementary school teachers especially need a little extra help from parents at times in order to make the best educational experience possible for children within the school. There are several simple things you can pick up throughout the year and donate to classrooms in order to make a big difference. Read More HERE.

Save BIG at the Grocery Store Without Coupons

Coupons can save big bucks at the grocery store. They just do not fit the lifestyle of some shoppers. Or you might be like me, a well meaning Mom who wants to start using coupons again, but can't seem to make the first step. Cheer up! Big savings can be found through shopping smarter without clipping a single coupon.  Read More HERE.

Easy To Care For Shade Plants

A shaded backyard garden spot can be a refuge in the spring and summer months. Those shady spots can be hard to find the right mix of plants for. Make it into a true sanctuary with these great, easy to care for shade plants for your garden. It beautifies areas out of the sun's glare, creating an oasis you can enjoy it for hours at a time.  READ MORE HERE.

5 Items to Craft for Nursing Homes

It is nice to have the personal touch with your donations to the nursing home. Create beautiful, one of a kind items that will be cherished by residents. These donations will bring extra color and comfort to the residents.  Read More HERE.

Friday, March 16, 2012

How to Blow Out Real Eggs for Easter Decorating

I love this technique for creating ornate, long lasting Easter Decorations.

The 14 Day Migrane that Nearly Took My Sight

When a headache isnt a headache, and a migrane becomes a life threatening situation with long term consequences.  This is my story and my journey.

5 Seasonal Fruits and Vegetables for Spring

How to Freeze Your Credit: Protect Yourself From Identity Theft

For less than $30 and a half hour of your time, protect yourself from identity theft and fraud.

Create Upcycled Art: Printmaking

A great article about how to make art prints using free materials!

Monday, February 27, 2012

How to get hired

In this tough economy, it is harder than ever to get hired.  It is especially tough for first time job seekers!  It does not matter fi you are a teenager or an adult looking for the first time.  This handy guide will allow you to succeed with your first interview and gain paid employment.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Enjoying my writing journey

So far I have been really enjoying my writing experiance.  It is starting to get exciting for me with new opportunities and increased views to my articles.  This truely feels like a positive change in my life.  One that I am trying to embrace with open arms.  It is your support that makes this happen.  I am sure sometime soon I will have a full time job again and will not be able to put my efforts into being a Mom and a writer, but for now I am starting to enjoy myself.  Actually feeling a desire to take care of myself.  Get healthier and move in a better direction.

For now, though, while I am still on the hunt for actual employment, I am taking care of some of those pesky health issues while sharing some of my thoughts, knowledge and of course, creative spirit with the world.

Thank You


Friday, February 24, 2012

Great Easter Crafting Project

Nails of the Cross Necklace, Earrings and Wall Art Set.
A great Easter project for teens or adults to do. 

How to make these wonderful projects.
Instructions are found HERE.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Valentines Day Gift From The Heart

Create a memorable photo collage box for the special someone in your life

Frugal Living Tip: Save Money on Cold Medicine with Vitamins??

You just left a meeting where everyone was sniffling, sneezing and coughing.  Germs flying everywhere.  It is certian that within three days you are going to be joining the masses with the same cold and taking expensive cold medication just to get by. 

WAIT!  Do something about your cold before it starts.  When you know that exposure has happened, pull out a bottle of Vitamin C supplements.   A bottle with 90 500mg capsules will cost less than $5 at drug stores and mega retailers.  Take two pills, twice a day for two days after exposure to boost your immune system.  Even better if your supplement is Vitamin C with D combo.  It will prime your body to fight off the infection before it settles in.  Take at the first symptoms of a cold to cut it in half too!

End Ear Infection Cycle without Drugs!

How I ended the ear infection cycle in my son without drugs!

Frugal Living Tip: Remove bloodstain with hydrogen peroxide

A clumsy fall left not only your childs knee scraped, but his pants with a bloodstain.  The last thing you want is to throw out a perfectly good pair of jeans.  Save them by mixing together one part water to to parts peroxide and putting it on the blood.  Allow to foam and dab up with a paper towel.  Repeat as needed to remove the blood.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Simply Sacred Cleaning - Laminate Floor Cleaning

My parents put in beautiful laminate floors.  They are always shiny and brand new looking.  I asked my parents how they stay so lovely and the answer surprised me.  It wasnt some expensive product or lots of hand scrubbing!  It was simply dampmopping with this mixture:

1 Gallon of Very Warm Water
1/2 Cup of Vinegar
2-3 squirts of liquid dish soap (scent of your choice)

If streaks appear in your floor, add another 1/4 cup of vinegar to the mixture and mop again.  It should leave a streak free shine.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Its all about perspective

Browsing around some artistic websites today, beauty smiled at me.  There is an instillation going on about perspective using beautiful illustrating cuttings.  

Through life, we often find things that look black and white on the surface.  Look deeper.  When a situation is examined through all sides, true color is revealed.  Before you know it, what was once straightforward is now brimming with color.

Remember that as you walk through life.  It is truly all about perspective.  Your first impression is not always correct.  The full story is not always revealed until all aspects have been explored.

Make sure to allow your depth to shine through in all your creative endeavors.

Jazzed up for Creativeness

Right now my house is (semi) clean.  My children are just about to go back to school after their long Christmas break.   I am getting jazzed up to do some crafting, creating and projects.  I have already started on creating some beautiful new painted new pendants.  I have videoed part of the process to share when completed. 

I am trying to let my spirit soar with continuing to make space in my life for new projects.  Clearing out some of the old stuff that hasn't been touched for long enough there is an inch of dust to accumulate.  Think of old projects that brought joy to me that can be shared with you and my boys and new projects to add to my life. 

There is a lightness coming over me that is quite enjoyable.  I hope to encourage this feeling in any way possible.

Thank you for coming on this journey with me.

Freebie! Puffs

Just found out about a great deal.  The first 15,000 to visit their website get a simple of Puffs Tissues by mail.  Sign up now and quick!  With cold and flu season here, stock up with as many tissues as you can get.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Frugal Living Tip: Check Your Cars Manual

Did you know many vehicles manufacturers reccomend that oil gets changed at 5,000, 7000 or even 10,000 miles rather than 3,000 miles??  That can save a lot of money in oil changes over the lifetime of a vehicle.  Check your manual or look it up online to see what is reccomended for your vehicle.

Frugal Living Tip - Freezer Soup

Take an empty large plastic container and start putting the spoonful or two of vegetables that are leftover after a meal.  Store in the freezer.  Any time that you are roast a chicken or turkey, throw the extra juices in the plastic containers.  Keep layering all those wonderful leftovers in the freezer containers until they are full.  Do not worry about seperating the vegetables.  Mix them up.  Bits of meat can go in there too if you desire.  Just avoid putting fatty bits.  When you have one or two full containers, put them on the stove for a simple base for a soup! 

If you have saved up enough drippings, you will basically just be able to thaw out a wonderful chicken veggie soup from your freezer.  Add just a bit of salt or pepper.  Maybe some onion or garlic (powder or fresh for either).  Save up all summer when veggies are more plentiful, and you can have plenty of soup base all winter long. 

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Affirmations for Weight Loss

Welcome to a New Year!  2012 comes with a new set of challenges, new hopes and new dreams. 
One of the top New Years Resolutions is to improve our diets and loose weight.   Excercise more, eat leass and just get healthy in general.

One of the main problems that we face, especially if you have more than just 10 pounds to loose is an internal, emotional struggle.  It is not a physical strugle, but mental. Long term negitive habits, poor eating habits and sedintary lifestyles need to be first overcome on an emotioanl and mental level.  Once your mindset has changed to more positive messages, loosing weight and improving health will not be the struggle that is always has been. 

One way to achieve this simply is through affirmations.  Choose the best affirmation for your situation.  Take time out of your schedule three times each day to repeat your affirmation at least three times.  After a week to a month, you should see positive changes in your mental outlook regarding health, food and weight loss.  Before long your confidence to allow your creative spirit to soar.

I feel good because I eat healthy foods.
I enjoy eating a healthy diet.
I no longer need to eat out of bordom or for emotion reasons.
I am on the journey to my goal of health and fitness.
I can achieve health, fitness and a healthy weight.
My body is loosing excess weight and excess baggage every day.
I am becoming physically and mentally more healthy every day.
I feel lighter and slimmer.
Food no longer controls my life.
I eat to live, not live to eat.
I enjoy the tastes of healthy foods over processed foods.
Eating a balanced diet leaves me happier.
I am beautiful.  I am allowing people to see the beautiful person within.
Each day I am changing my life for the better.
My dream of a lighter, healthier sense is coming true.
I am strong enough to limit  my temptations.  Cravings do not control me.
I am able to treat myself without going overboard.
My dream is becoming a reality.